
Hello and welcome to the new digital home of Father and Son Days.

If this is your first time coming across us, we are David and Conor Harding and we are Father and Son. Since February 2021 we have been creating podcasts to entertain ourselves… but it has turned into so much more. We developed a love for what we were doing and it seemed others enjoyed it as well. As time has passed we have developed our podcasting skills and upgraded equipment, which brings us to the main reason for this post. Welcome to our new website!

Though we had no problems with our previous website, we wanted something new and shiny. Something we could customise and make it our own. Thanks to this we can bring you more than just the podcast. We want to utilise this website along with social media to share more with you all such as what we are working on behind the scenes. We want to bring you more content in the form of Blogs and much more. This also gives another great platform to which we can speak with you all just by going to the contact page or leaving a comment.

We hope you will join us on this next step and support the podcast so we can continue discussing absolute nonsense for the enjoyment of your ears.

I guess all that is left to say is “stick around if you wanna hear more!”

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POSTMAN: The Musical - Teaser